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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Past the white picked fence, Down by the rice field. (if you hit the border wall, youve gone too far

    Red face Wallhax so far...

    I thought i'd do one of these testimonies, i was thinking about doing one for awhile, might as well now..
    - Staff is very mature and keep things professional, its the primary reason why I've stayed with them for nearly 2 years.
    - Their product is solid 9/10.
    - Staff response time is good, someone's there to help you within 24 hours.
    - A reasonable price for everything they offer, it's a steal!
    - New games are added constantly with a dedicated team taking in suggestions.
    - Updates made constantly, Cheat client easy to use, and a colorful touch of creativity here and there

    - Servers sometimes go offline randomly without notice. (usually on Saturday nights, for a couple of hours)
    - Modern title's are prioritized meaning older games get second priority.
    - The language in the forums can sometimes be inappropriate, despite Wallhax's Rules of Ethics.
    - No Refunds! (not a huge problem for me, but would be nice)

    To sum it up, it's a wonderful community and I'm glad to see it grow. Despite the con's I wouldn't try any other site unless i had to, 10/10 for quality.

  2. #2
    Sentient's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Appreciate your feedback!
    When I use the hacks, I try really hard to play like a noob...
    Terms of Service (What you paid for)
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Forum Rules

  3. #3
    Thank you for leaving a testimonial! Your membership has been extended as a way of saying thanks.



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