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  1. #1

    Smile Paladins Unbiased Review is honestly the only public provider of hacks for hirez's latest game "Paladins", so it's not possible for me to compare them to anyone.
    Instead I'm going to leave my opinion based on how my experience has been, using the hack , setting it up , obtaining it etc

    To start things off , purchasing the hack is a pain in the f******* ass
    Paypal (Gaypal) permanently banned me back in 2k12 for selling digital shit , can't use Paypal so had to get a friend to buy it for me
    The conversation went down something like this

    "Hey man , can I use your paypal to purchase hacks for a game?"
    Obviously a problem , skrill , payza etc should be implemented , it's 2016 , we need coinpayments!

    So, buying the hack is out of the way , now comes the setup.
    The setup was / is extremely easy , no kernel bullshit to deal with, all you need to do is login and you're good to go.
    Paladins has some built in anti injection / anti tamper protection so the hack circumvention requires special detail , like injecting into the launcher instead.
    It works well , my only complaint is the inability to 'remember login' details , it's a pain in the ass having to type / copy paste my password every time the hack crashes , which brings me to my next point

    Paladins is built on the UE4 framework , something I personally have a LOT of experience with , so I can tell you straight up , the fact that an aimbot / esp etc has come out for an UE4 game this fast is quite incredible.
    UE4 works a lot different to most other engines / games , long story short, it takes a lot of time and effort to develop hacks / cheats for UE4 games , and a certain amount of skill , so kudos to the developers for their work.

    How does the aimbot/ESP perform?

    Well , it's not the greatest aimbot I've ever seen , it seems a bit buggy currently , there's some sort of delay when trying to snap to targets , which usually results in me raging / rage quitting a lot.
    It also seems to glitch out when team-mates alk in front of you , which happens quite often unfortunately.

    Does it work though/
    Yes! it works pretty good when you're using the soldier or sniper class , delay classes (Eevie , Cassy etc) aren't optimal , as their shots take time to hit , and the aimbot lockon has a delay.
    Would I recommend purchasing the hacks based on the quality of the aimbot alone?
    No , not in its current state , but I know its quality will improve over time , the game is in beta , so therefore , the hacks are in beta.
    We need silent aiming , faster responses, smooth aiming , auto aimbot (closest enemy, weakest enemy) etc.

    The ESP does work well , but due to a recent game update , which brought back "Ying" , the ESP drawing doesn't quite work yet.
    The game will crash if the ESP is active , when Ying is on your or the enemy team (If you have Ying on your team only, enable "Ignore team" or whatever , to stop the crashing).
    The crashing is only temporary and I assume it will be fixed within a few hours from the time of me writing this post.

    Support seems quite good , I hope they're willing to re-instate everyone's membership time , who has been affected by the recent crashing / downtime / updates etc.

    Overall it's a good hack , good aimbot and clean ESP , it just needs a few bugs squashed , a few features added , and it would be perfect!

  2. #2
    Hey, thank you for the review. Really nice and detailed. Sorry to hear you had issues with Gay(Pay)pal. We're actually planning to expand our payment options in 2016.

  3. #3
    I have added some extra time to your trial for leaving a testimonial

  4. #4
    Cheers guys

  5. #5
    I expect to make a testimonial for Paladins cheat but you said everything :3

  6. #6
    my only problem is when i use the hack my fps drop to 25-30

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Szaky View Post
    my only problem is when i use the hack my fps drop to 25-30
    We are working on reported bugs



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