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  1. #1

    WTH - What The Hack !!! (Eng/Pt-Br)

    Tired of get ganked while opening dropped suplies, I gave a 3 days try for the Hack and WTH !!!
    2 poor rogues got owned by my M1 classic rifle criting their heads off !!!
    The only hack that shows boxes efficiently, division techs, and all....really nice.
    But it's needed set it to a close range to avoid FF(Fair Fight) detection ( tip !).
    Avoid to look for itens, enemies, players too far from you.
    Well, I'll give another try soon.
    Nice work WH TEAM !!!

    Eu estava cansado de ser morto enquanto abria as caixas de suprimento que caem no mapa e resolvi experimentar o Hack por 3 dias mesmo sabendo dos riscos.
    2 rogues tentaram me matar enquanto eu abria uma caixa e consegui matar os 2 com uma M1 clássica, muito headshott ^^.
    Esse hack mostra tudo que podemos coletar em um raio de alcance determinado.
    O FF (Fair Fight) detecta seu comportamento, então evite deixar o alvo na cabeça, visualizar itens atrás de paredes, etc.

  2. #2
    Thank you Lord! I've reactivated your subscription and given you 3 days.

  3. #3
    You can't imagine how happy I'm to read this right now, I just arrived from another drums session and loading !!!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the product!



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