The game just released 2 days ago and this cheat got every possible feature already.
This cheat literally spits on other Sea of Thieves providers with ease.
Here is why:

  • The aimbot is always working instead of only working 1/4 of the time
  • The aimbot has got a prediction (which works pretty well). Thats really important because weapons do not hit instantly.
  • The ESP works over very far distances spotting enemy ships over ~3km (its about 3 islands in the game) instead of only 1km (or even less)
  • The ESP displays proper name tags even in your custom system language (like 'Golden Snake' in english) instead of some unnecessary long text like 'PQ_PROXY_MERCHANT_CHICKEN_CRATE'
  • The ESP font is way better to read than in other Sea of Thieves cheats. Its like the smooth windows 10 font compared to some windows 98 crap.
  • The health bar is working more precisely
  • This cheat adjusts the mouse sensitivity when aiming with guns or cannons to default. That way you dont have to deal with -10000 sensitivity when aiming with right click.
  • A radar is included
  • You can save your settings easily

And the most important one: This cheat doesn't cost you any FPS!
When trying competitors cheats out my FPS went down by 100 sometimes. Probably caused by a f***ed up directx hook.

In general this cheat is coded very carefully, detailedly and professionally whereas competitors try to publish their software as fast as possible in order to only get money during the hype of the game.