So I recently bought the hacks at around 7am and decided "Eh 3 bucks aint bad for letting us test it, why not" Upon downloading, I was sent a confirmation as well as a nice little notification, I read up on the guide and watched the video and I feel as though your video could be a bit better at explaining HOW to do it, instead of just rushing through it, but im not gonna tell you how to do your job, its just many younger audiences dont tend to read, just buy and download.

Very well put together menu
Nice little side game you can play while waiting for a lobby
Super sleek and well put together
Can be hidden from view or kept up if you enjoy it
Many options to choose from
can save what you have loaded as a pre-set so everytime you load it up, you dont have to go back and change everything all over again
Support team is always on hand and ready (When available of course) to help when needed!
The admins are also super friendly and simply want gamers to hack and play on!
Reasonable prices!! Most places on the internet that have hacks such as these guys will be charging you well over 20 bucks for even basic menu things, while these guys are like
"Hey here's our menu for 3 days to test it, and if ya like it, come on back and buy 3 more days or even hell buy a month, a year, or even life time. It dont matter to us, were gonna keep on making hacks"

The website when first joining looks sketchy which could throw alot of people off.
But that's just me, im sure other's have opinions on it as well