The Aimbot is working very good. There's a lot of options the cheat offers. Since I generly have a good ping and fps I can't tell how good ping and fps correction is working.
It can be used to either rage or to play legit. It's reacting fast and the Visibility Check seems to work perfectly.
Personaly I dislike the Idea that the smooth is somewhat inverted. Lower Smooth setting = More Smooth, while higher smooth setting = lower setting. But thats only personal preference. Another nice feature I would like to see is the possibilty to make the aimbot curved, so it would be more viable for streamers/youtubers... Though this is not relevant for a normal hack user.
I would give it a 9/10.
The Wallhack offers a lot of options to play around. A lot of stuff is rather decorative in my opinion. I don't look for players names when cheating, and so on. Some might do so.
Gets a 10/10.
Didn't use.
Crosshair is quite usefull.
Good structured
Game reacts on inputs while in Menu. That get's quite anyoing when you shoot and move the camera around uselessly, because you want to change your smooth or fov.