Hello !

The Division Cheat Testimonial

Aimbot : I'm using the silent aimbot with FOV 1 smooth 20-25 and that is very good, i can 2-3 shots every rogues with my M1A and looks legit ( i already said it in the feature requests, but a way to lower the FOV to 0.5 or .25 would be awesome ). 10/10
Visuals : ESP is nice too, but an item/boxes esp would be f*cking awesome. 9/10
Misc : The No Recoil and No Spread are doing perfectly their job, 10/10

I will recommend this hack to everyone and i'm probably gonna take a sub when i will have enough money.
If you are well-geared, you can 1v4-5 easily ( i have done like 8-9 1v4 yesterday versus rogues ).

Thanks for this hack <3
luv u.