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  1. #1

    Wallhax - Detailed Review [Heroes & Generals]

    WALL HAX - Detailed Review

    Hai there member of the public,

    I just want to clarify, I'm not doing this for money, I'm not doing this for recognition, I'm not doing this to extend my membership, the only reason I'm doing this is because people like me that have no previous knowledge to premium hacks and if they should trust them, So I'm really just doing this for the curious customers.

    I'm pretty sure no-one here knows me unless you are in a community that I'm currently in, I won't be introducing myself in this thread I'll make another thread introducing myself sometime later. I've only tried this on Heroes & Generals, but in the future, I'll make more detailed reviews on some other games.

    Heroes & Generals
    Oh my god the amount of time I've put into this game, With and without hacks, but the hacks make it SOO MUCH EASIER. I've been hacking for about a couple of hours on my ALT account and it still is not banned. I never wanted to spent a dime on Heroes & Generals but not spending money makes it impossible to explore the game's futures. For example I never knew you could do squad management and I never knew you could have extra character slots via squad when you're in-game. It makes it so much better! It's not only that it helps me level up, it helps me explore the game a lot more. Without the hacks it would have taken me freaking ages to level up. But this just makes it SOO MUCH EASIER. I've played about 10-20 games on my alt account, full out aimbot/wallhack hacking and I'm still not banned. It's amazing.

    Let's talk about the UI, The UI itself is really simple, easy and it really does not waste that much time, You simply launch the program, enter your username and password and you're in select the game you wish to play. Simple as. You even have a couple of settings in the UI,
    it makes it even better! The design also looks amazing.

    Let me just clear out, If you have a pilot character and wish to use this hack on a pilot character, it won't help you that much, sure you can see the infantry on the radar and ESP so it makes it easier to hit them. But it won't help you that much when you are getting shot by another plane, Aimbot does not work if you are in the pilot seat of a plane or a driver seat of a tank, It will not work. That being said the aim bot will only work if you are infantry, recon and paratrooper, other then that aim bot will not help you out that much. Wallhacks and ESP are really useful tho, it's easy to find your enemy, I've never had any issues with them and it's extra easy if you're in a tank and just want to kill bastards. I found it really annoying tho how the ESP boxes were the same for ground units then there were for tanks and vehicles, it was really hard to tell them apart. I hated the living shit out of this because I was always being killed by tanks when I was jumping out in front of them. It's like I'm a goddamn bunny that would jump in front of a car and instantly realize their mistake. That being said, it would be great if the developers would add some kind of difference between the vehicle ESP boxes and ground troops esp boxes.

    I also had some issues initially, See, whenever I tried launching the cheat first and the game later it would always crash my game, I'm not sure why this was happening, However If I launched the game first and the cheat second then it would work perfectly fine, I'm not sure if this is just me but it's just a bit annoying. Leading to the next part that is, I really found it annoying that every time you are returned to the lobby and wish to start another game you need to start up the launcher again and re-enter your login credentials. It would be amazing if the launcher could always stay open as well as there would be a remember me part in the login screen.

    And that's pretty much it for the review, I really really recommend Wallhax, whatever package you buy, it's really worth it, at least for the game Heroes & Generals. Hopefully this review helped you make the full decision. Game on brothers!

  2. #2
    That is an amazing and very detailed review! Thank you so much, and we're also happy to see that you're enjoying the Heroes & Generals cheat.

    If you request your vehicle esp and box esp thing in the HNG section I am sure Badger would meet your demands.

  3. #3
    Great testimonial, thank you. I've added a bit of time to your membership.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Gokke View Post
    That is an amazing and very detailed review! Thank you so much, and we're also happy to see that you're enjoying the Heroes & Generals cheat.

    If you request your vehicle esp and box esp thing in the HNG section I am sure Badger would meet your demands.
    Quote Originally Posted by Slytiger View Post
    Great testimonial, thank you. I've added a bit of time to your membership.
    I appreciate the response from both of you, I also appriciate the membership extendation but it wasn't that necesarry. I will update the post when I get home with some other game reviews. Keep up the great work



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