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  1. #1

    Pretty damn good :D

    The three days of my kinda "Test Pass" [definitely will be buying more after this, just seeing if it was worth it] Let's get the cons out the way first, because there is little of them. I mainly bought this for the culling exploit but, the aimbot was inaccurate but the ESP made gameplay alot easier on it's own, with pointing out func barrels and crates and people to avoid. Pretty darn useful nontheless, now for the pros! which there are a huge, Gigantic!, nah RIDONKULOUS amount of, yeah I like that word, I used this a hell of a lot on HnG [Heroes and generals] Made gameplay fun and not just boring -walk walk, bam bam, i'm dead or he's dead, Yay I won the fight nearly turn a corner, bam head shot by a tank pretty fucked at that point, most people don't survive- but the aimbot + ESP made the game a hell of a lot funner, I tried my best not to abuse it but, eh it was tempting, The Division cheat, worked like a charm, aim at rogue agents only [Pretty sexy work there gokke ] worked perfectly, the majority of the features I didn't use too often, AKA No spread/Recoil worked like a charm when I tested it, 0 crashes, never detected I even tested in dark zone and didn't get detected. The Aimbot?, Flawless looks legit in game, but the crits are OP, helps you get through a mission you've been struggling with instantly. Gokke before I buy some more, You and all the other moderators well fucking done, Y'all can have my babies, . But it was great while I was here, and boy-oh boy am I staying here the community is pretty great, the moderators seem open to criticism but help out the situation. all I can say is wow pretty good job guys, can't wait to be in this community for longer.

  2. #2
    Thank you very much for this testimonial. I've reactivated your subscription and given you 3 days.

  3. #3
    Oh, shame guess you get no money for three days :P thanks though xD



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