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Thread: Ark cheat

  1. #1

    Ark cheat

    I was really skeptical about this looking at reviews, checking everything and was sketched out on the payment options cause of how negative the feedback was on them (really wish they had a paypal option) but i did end up purchasing and hopefully payglobal dosent charge me monthly lol.

    -I like the menu and how easy it is to understand and navigate but really wished there was some option to customize the look of it.
    -Some of the options are hard to activate and some are easy, you have to find the sweet spot on some.
    -wish we could move the radar to a corner of the screen but other than that nice feature,
    -change the size of some of the fonts of the ESP to help with clutter

    there cheats do what they're advertised and I really enjoy the cheats and cant wait to pick up vip at a later date when they add ******* 2 to the gamepass on pc hopefully they make one for that.
    their programs are clean as well which is a bonus and gives the people who're worried about virus detections popping up confidence but nonetheless I will definitely be purchasing again.

  2. #2
    None of our memberships renew automatically

    Glad you've enjoyed our software. I've added 3 extra days to your membership for the testimonial.

    What do you mean about negative feedback on payment options? Do you mean you looked up PayPro, Payssion, Paygol etc?



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