GTA 5 review
Ill rate everything in a 1-10, 1 being bad and 10 being good.
Aimbot - 8
The aimbot is very good in first person but could be weird as if someone is running left or right from a good distance away, the aimbot kind of follows behind their head making u miss. This does not happen a lot but it has happened to me couple times. Im not sure if this can be fixed but it is just something I noticed with it. Also a 3rd person aimbot would be pretty nice, my self I hate first person in *** 5 so having to be in first person to use the aimbot makes me not use it much. And being able to use it in vehicle would be nice. Overall though the aimbot is very good, easy to use and effective as f*ck. Those reasons above are the only reason its not a 10.
ESP - 10
You guys really hit the mark with this one boys. Man this is so good, I've tried other hacks before WallHax's but the ESP would cause SO much lag, practically making it unplayable. when trying Wallhax's *** hack i was skeptical about it but as soon as I entered the game my FPS was not affected at all. Overall the best ESP in *** 5 on the market.
MISC - 9
So the MISC in this section applies to God mode, no recoil, and no spread. No recoil and spread work amazingly, God mode has one issue and that's not being able to turn it off but other then that it works as intended, you cant die. It helps with making money also, going into a survival mission with god mode and aimbot makes it a walk in the park and super fast, granting you a lot of money and RP.
Overall hack- 9.5
Overall the hack was created by professionals who worked hard to give amazing service. Low price + active support + undetected cheats being updated often you cant go wrong with this.
Thank you for reading and I hope I helped you with deciding to buy this cheat.
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