After my first month of Warframe subscription, and at least 100 hours of playtime with the software injected, I can safely say that their Warframe cheat has been very well made. Given, some features bug out or are still a work in progress, it's understandable considering the safety of usage should come first. TLDR: Great product, you get more than your money's worth, have common sense to not get banned.
Review of the features (that I used):
Damage and crit multiplier - Very straightforward feature, works with exalted weapons as well as your operator, though it doesn't on railjack and archwing but who plays that anyways. Though it's very fun, common sense is quite important when using it, you can't expect your account to be safe after hitting for millions on a low mr account with subpar mods and builds. Personally very rarely used this due to the risk involved and having pretty decent builds removes the need for higher damage since I deal plenty enough.
Infinite ammo - Honestly the best thing in my opinion. It doesn't work on weapons like bows, it's still a very great feature. Removes the need for mods like ammo mutations so you can use other mods. It also helps reduce the need of higher damage and/or crit multiplier numbers since if you don't run out of ammo, you'll kill what you're hitting eventually.
3D radar - This should be pretty obvious... It's amazing. The 3D radar is quite highly customizable which is a big plus because different users will like it in a different way. Though the customization is only an extra, the 3D radar has not failed me in my 100 plus hours of use (it's always on for me), it has a high range too so you won't have to worry about missing an enemy. It also helps a lot with the open world because you can spot some of the capture-able wildlife.
2D radar - Same as the 3D, has customization options, is very stable, does what it needs to, and some more.
Aimbot - I didn't use this feature that much since I personally use a lot of aoe weapons or melee weapons, though the times I used it on weapons like my rubico prime, it worked wonders. Sniping is a pain and not having to track enemies manually saves a lot of time and energy. It also has extra options and customizations like an editable aim key, editable aimbot targets, and other features like changing targets and sticking to targets that are toggled via the in-game menu. There are also prediction features for fps, ping, and recoil, however I can't say much about these as I haven't seen them in action because first, I use a sniper (no recoil) and I don't experience instability in my ping or fps neither do I have high ping and low fps so yeah.
Configs and console - Another nice quality of life feature their Warframe software has. Having different configs saves you the trouble of constantly messing with your options which reduces the risk of accidentally turning something up and getting yourself banned or turning something down and getting frustrated because you can't do the content you want to. The console is also a quick way (if you can type quick and remember the commands), to customize your options. Especially since if you're a new user, you will take time to get used to where certain options are and if you excel at memorizing commands and typing on the go, you can simply use the console to get things to how you like them. It also provides the users with the opportunity to be more accurate in their settings since the damage and crit multipliers use a slider and sometimes the value we want to set it to can be hard to get to through the slider.
TIPS: (Only if you care about your account)
Save this link for after your purchase a subscription - https://wallhax.com/forum/warframe/2...void-bans.html other users have already made excellent guides on helping newer users on avoiding bans.
Lastly, the use of this software is still against ToS so don't be surprised if you do get banned.
Wow, thank you for the in-depth testimonial littleboy! I appreciate you taking the time to write this.
Your subscription has been extended for +3 days.
Thank you very much for the review!