Destiny 2 A++ from a new customer
Hi All,
I really have no affiliation with these guys but I've found that my dealings with them have been courteous and professional.
This in iteself is #1.
You can have a great bot, or an average bot, but if your support team are lucklaster and treat customers like sheep; then it is not a good community to be in.
In addition to this,
I have tested the following Games
Ark - Works well, and doesnt reduce frame rates significantly playing on a GTX 1080 with a 17 7820HK
Destinty - Flawless bots. I'm still progressing through the simply player but it is fun to use.
Stat wars battelfront 2 - Sadly, this game is dying and have been struggling to finnd matches, but when I have, it's worked very well.
You guys are doing a great job and we'd really like to more support for games in the future.
Love sincerely; Cristian <3