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View Full Version : Black Ops 3 is Amazing!

11-22-2015, 04:40 PM
These cheats are the best ive ever seen, I really love how fast the aimbot is and the esp boxes are nice as well. The only thing I would change about these is have an aimbot for chest and elsewhere so its not as obvious if youre getting all headshots.

Side note: I prestiged 2x with these cheats in one day on 2x xp this weekend; going full blatent every game and finishing gold guns and such.:cool:

Edit: I Love this loader design too and the ingame menu to change settings, much better and less buggy than other cheat providers;best cheats on the market IMO! Also I love how we dont have to have a stupid kernel driver to prevent the cheats from being detected xD

11-22-2015, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the testimonial, I've added a couple extra days to your trial :)

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