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05-31-2017, 03:40 AM
Let me first off say the community here is one of the best there is around also if you have a problem 9/10 there is someone in the shout box that prob knows your problem and can resolve it right there on the spot not waiting 3 days for a response. PLUS which if your ready for this the ADMINS actually help you and Private MSG you when you have a problem and really do care if your client is working or not within 45mins i had a Admin msg me asking me what was wrong and how he could fix it. BUT now to what your here for

Overall Design Quality- 9/10
Visuals- 9/10

There is enough with this menu that lets you 1 shot head shot anyone anywhere and there is enough to where you just wont the slight advantage and just use walls its fully up to you and with such a great Administration and Community behind it im sure you will find yourself enjoying this community as much as i do.

Whoever is reading this have a great and humble day.


05-31-2017, 05:23 AM
Glad you're enjoying yourself JuB! :)

05-31-2017, 02:45 PM
Thank you for writing this! I've extended your subscription a bit.

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