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View Full Version : Best support for For Honor

03-20-2017, 09:26 AM
This one already the second parole for using this hack. And I already recommended this hack for my friends.well first I'm afraid that my account can banned because there are a lot review from the other user. And then I'm curious and buy again this second parole to proof that this hack can be detected by the Ubisoft. And surprisingly Now I already using for 15 hours and there are no sign about banned. I'm always using this hack and with the friendly approach to other team. Maybe I'm the luck one. But I already approved with the Paladin this hack was the best one. Keep up the good work team. Hope that this hack can help other people to support the team. Best of luck to you all

03-20-2017, 12:01 PM
Thank you for the review. :)

03-20-2017, 04:20 PM
Appreciate the testimonial, I've extended your subscription for taking the time to write this.

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