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View Full Version : For Honor

02-16-2017, 10:29 PM
I bought a 3 day subscription plan but will be upgrading to the monthly plan as soon as it runs out.

The For Honor cheat is amazing. Works exactly as you'd expect it to. The settings are straight forward and I love how you can activate the bot via a hotkey. It's perfect if you want to look legit and not block everything.

The overlay and ESP drawings are nicely done as well, it doesn't clutter your screen and the overall UI is very aesthetically pleasing.

With that being said, Conquerer/Warlord is unstoppable as you'll be blocking everything that comes your way. You can literally 1v3 and the bot will still manage to block every single attack.

Overall 10/10, I am very satisfied, even at the early stages of the cheat, it still performs super well and worth every single penny.

Good job, devs!!! -claps-

02-17-2017, 12:39 AM
Thank you for the review! Glad to see you're enjoying it.. Warlord is indeed very good with the bot - Slytiger will add some time to your subscription when he sees this. :)

02-17-2017, 01:37 AM
Thanks for the testimonial! I've extended your membership a bit :)

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