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View Full Version : Feedback Wallhack

07-05-2023, 03:40 PM
Fiz a assinatura de 3 dias vip trial do wallhax para poder analisar se o hacker funcionava mesmo!
No começo fiquei com duvidas e com medo de tomar ban nos jogos.
Até o momento tudo certo, estou me saindo muito bem com o uso do hack e as estatisticas dos games que estavam todas negativas, começei dar a volta por cima e estou ficando tudo positivo, conseguindo liberar mais recursos dentro dos jogos.
Super recomendo.

07-06-2023, 03:56 PM
I made the subscription of 3 days vip trial of wallhax to be able to analyze if the hacker really worked!
At first I was doubtful and afraid to take a ban in the games.
So far so good, I'm doing very well with the use of the hack and the statistics of the games that were all negative, I started to turn around and I'm getting all positive, managing to release more resources within the games.
Super recommend.

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