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View Full Version : WallHax makes multiplayer games fun again. I feel different...

09-07-2016, 05:03 PM
I tried the Battlefield 1 aimbot for the beta and it made the game acceptable, without wallhax i wouldn't bother playing it, it's just boring by itself, sorry i'm just burned out on video games i guess.
But with WallHax aimbot all is good again, i can enjoy, and the aimbot itself is top notch engineering, very precise no bugs since launch.
Will buy again next week, and will recommend to my friend too.

09-07-2016, 05:17 PM
Thank you for your testimonial. I have extended your subscription! :)

09-07-2016, 05:20 PM
yay thank you :) time to dominate the game!

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