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View Full Version : [Gorkirix] Sea Of Thieves

01-13-2023, 01:26 AM
Game: Sea Of Thieves

Testimonial: I was able to try this great mod menu and I can say that it is amazing for the following reasons:
.- Cannon shots are more effective to hit the enemy (either player ship or ghost ship).
.- The main gun shots are easier to hit because the AimBot system is amazing.
.- The item visualization is great (You can't see the chests underground but you can see all the loose items on each island).
.- Its 2d radar is amazing so you don't have to be looking at the map every time.
.- The amount of options to configure it has. Lots of variety.

I highly recommend buying this mod menu if you are looking to advance faster in the Sea Of Thieves adventure. It helps a lot.

01-13-2023, 11:57 AM
Thank you very much for the detailed review, glad you are enjoy the SOT cheat :cool:

01-13-2023, 02:08 PM
Nice testimonial, we appreciate it :) +3 days of bonus time are added to your membership.

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