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View Full Version : for rules of survival

03-07-2022, 03:54 PM
Last time I use WH ROS cheat was 4yo ago.

Compared with present's, there's some points NERFed.

1. 3D ESP box, 3D border becomes flat
2. Name of items on ground ESP all wrong
3. Visibility Check ain't working. aimbot still works when targets r behind the projects/mountains
4. Always lock on top position(may my wrong, but I tried set in lock on middle/button tho). That means u cant lock enemies on who's lying down or in the water

Other than the points mentioned above, it's as good as before. if they r fixed or improved, WH the best for ROS. stable, trustworthy, easy to use and UNDETECTED

03-08-2022, 01:52 PM
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