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View Full Version : Wallhax Warframe / EZ Platinum

08-15-2021, 03:00 AM
Its been a week since i bought this cheat. I didnt regret even once after buying this, it works perfectly without problem at all.
The good thing from this cheat is the dmg multiplier and esp. I can easily spot where enemies are and kill them really fast.
One more thing is, this cheat actually also has like "Platinum hack" feature LOL
In just a week, i already made like 2k+ plats + maxed out all of my focus classes (including unbound and capacity). How do you do that? SIMPLY GO HUNT TRIDOLON SOLO. With this cheat, i can easily do 5x3 or even 6x3 so easily. My settings are 60% crit chance and 7x dmg multiplier, that is enough to 1 hit eidolon shield with propa.
Here is my average tricap time and my warframe.market platinum income in just a week.
Overall, this is best cheat for warframe, i really glad i found this website on google. Thank YOU :D
(Im MR 19 btw)

08-15-2021, 01:52 PM
What a great testimonial! Glad you've enjoyed our software, and I am happy we could help. I've added 3 extra days to your membership.

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