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View Full Version : Mordhau Review/Testimonial

05-07-2019, 06:52 PM
Mordhau's cheat is decent, there's quite a few flaws but overall the auto blocking is quite good. It has a few flaws itself though such as when you're behind someone and they attack not even facing towards you, you still block. So you can't really go for kills unless someone isn't swinging. Someone found out I was cheating and trolled me all game but constantly punching making me autoblock constantly. But other than that if they fix that it should be good. The cheat deflects 90% of attacks and if you have some skill in the game you can kill mostly everyone.

05-07-2019, 09:33 PM
Thank you for the testimonial!

I would recommend using the activation key for now so you can control when auto-blocking is active.

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